Thank you for visiting the Foothills Baptist Church website. I trust this digital visit will encourage you to make a personal visit to one of our services. Foothills Baptist is an independent and fundamental church dedicated to faithfully serving our Lord Jesus Christ. We desire to glorify our Lord through all the ways we speak, sing, and serve.
Our Morning service starts at 9:30 (there is a Junior church available during this time), followed by Sunday School classes (kindergarten-1st grade, 2-6 grade, teens, and adults). The Sunday evening service is a time for families to hear the preaching of God’s Word together.
Our mid-week service on Thursday night is a time of prayer and Bible study.
As the Pastor and on behalf of the Foothills Baptist Church family, let me personally invite you to visit our services. I look forward to meeting you.
In Christ,
Pastor Bruce D. Miller